this post is overdue I apologize to the people I told it would be posted a week ago. I am now sitting in line for the surplus sale at UNCW with my laptop so here goes.
Annie and I stopped at a small college called Warren Wilson on the way to Hot Springs NC. We stopped to visit her friend Sarah, who showed us around her school's beatiful campus. There are many interesting things about the school; they raise their own crops and live stalk to serve in the cafeteria. One interesting concept that stummped my shopping emotions was a "Free Store". Students moving out or jut with excess can donate it here and it anyone who wants can come in and take anything they want. I found myself very puzzled by puzzled that i only left with a can of spray paint, some hideous glasses and a car window reflector. The concept of free upped my discression. I often found myself looking for price tags or sale signs...but no.
We got to the campground and picked a nice little site tucked away in the back near the train tracks. We asked the owner how often the trains came and if they were unbearably loud. He said they only come when you dont want them to. We thought he was joking. but in actuality, the trains did only come at night, and it was an intense ground shaking rumble.
DAY 1:
On our way up to the Appalachian Trail a black dog began to follow us and some other tourists. we didnt think much of it until the other tourists went another course and the dog kept following us. Just as we got to the trail head, Annie spotted a Lost dog poster that had a picture of the dog we were holding. the poster said Generous Reward, so we made a makeshift leash and ran back into town to call the number. I borrowed a phone from some bikers and called the lady.
Hi ma'am we found your dog.
Um, what?
We found your dog.
No...We found him a couple weeks ago. you found a sign?
Are you sure your dog is at home with you?
Well, we I guess there is a dog that looks exactly like yours here in hot spring.
A little scared and creeped out by my dog stalkerish phone call, she hung up. We decided the dog could come along on the hike. we saw on its collar its name was Dodger. Dodger was great company on the beautiful hike up to a peak that overlooks the entire town(not too big). We ate lunch and did a charcoal sketch at the top, meanwhile Dodger sat by our side. When we reached the campground, it was obvious that Dodger was not going to go home on his own. Eventually we found out where the owner lived, so we delivered the dog by hiking up to her farm. A man ken was house and dog sitting and was releaved to have Dodger back. We were sad to see him go.
What a cool way to have a dog. instead of an ownership, he picked us and we picked him. If I ever have a dog, this is how i want it to happen.
my batteries are dieing so I'll continue later with pictures.