Let me just take a minute to reflect on how excellent this album is... My Bloody Valentine's Loveless.
the two sided guitar riffs that speak to eachother in some distant language of the first track carry on to infinite as we are pushed back up with pulsating panning of air, distortion and carbonated guitar. the words aredefinately nessacry but not astrong focus point. The vocal sound is dream-like and soothing.
to clear your palate Touched drifts in slowly and disapears as the rthym becomes aparant. Vocals, vocals, vocals on this next track. girl...and guy. doves on a circus tent. it becomes a fucking playground. touch and go. up and down. what instruments can these be.
water lily, ink blotting on sunday. texas hold'em in the park.
Come in Alone, my favorite. not too soon before the vocals chime in there sounds a repetative drum beat that rattles throughout the ballad. no joke, its real. people speaking through things that speak through amplifiers. 5 stars of the moon for that 1991 track.
driving. now through the mind's throughts just before sleep. delicate symphononic guitars and synth.
the most i can understand.
Hello, this is the end. What you Want. I heard a lot of things about this. have not researched them as the fading dibles on the guitar blink like a lighthouse disappearing into the fog.
Well, I highly recomend this album no matter where your into in life.