November has always been an exciting and busy month filled with birthdays, film festivals, family, thanksgiving, and in the past, school work. Annie turned 28 or 23 or something and unfortunately she felt under the weather on her birthday. I had a cold and I do believe that I passed onto her whatever I had. not such a great birthday present. We had a fun morning of gifts and lounging around the house.
Annie-cat on the Road from oliver mellan on Vimeo.
One of my gifts was http://www.anniesegrest.com/
soon we'll get some more of her artwork and writtings up there. Adam, Annie and I then ventured over to the NC Aquarium in Fort fischer as it was free admission to celebrate the birth of Annie Segrest. I really enjoyed the aquarium as it surpassed my expectations in many ways. There are some very awesome exhibits there. I had never seen an alligator so up close before.
Happy Birthday Annie. From Space from oliver mellan on Vimeo.
Dance-a-lorus (dance and video section of Cucalorus film festival) was the start of our cucalorus experience. Adam and Lexi had an exciting painted film and found footage video paired with a dance. They're were some very cool dances too.
After watching around 11 feature films and over 42 shorts, I am feeling very inspired and very excited about future projects. The festival was great. Annie and I volunteered to pass out surveys to people at the screenings. although there was a lot of rain and our noses were running, we still had a very fun time watching films and conversing with other film makers.
Some films that really stood out for me were, The Square, Dogtooth, Pets in Pots, El Ataque de los Robots de Nebulosa-5, Bitch Slap, Mississippi damned, and Immersion.

Some potatoe chips that really stood out were GLORIES Sweet Potato chips. bags of these crispy sweet potato chips were everywhere at the festival. there must have been some sort of sponsorship. never the less, I was glad there was some healthy snack available to suppliment the endless amounts of booze that was provided. The company that makes these chips also make some other really tasty and healthy snacks such as Humbles and Veggie Sticks
Last friday at the Student showcase, Visions, Annie and My film Wednesday Night Wednesday Dirt played. you can watch it here.
shot on 16mm film in reverse. double exposed forward. Words are by annie segrest. music is by gabriel mellan.
Wednesday Night Wednesday Dirt from oliver mellan on Vimeo.
Anyway, I am now currently working on several music video. (nine music videos to be exact)
I am created videos for all the songs on an artist's album. I have completed one and have begun work on two more. It is an exciting project and when completed will hopefully be a very nice compliment to the awesome album.
For thanksgiving my mother, gabriel, susanah, Barb, Mab, and Adams dad are convening at the greenhouse for a special dinner and party. I look forward to the festivities.
If you havent been to my website recently, please go check it out. I have some new content. videos. pictures. art. http://www.olivermellan.com/