Tuesday, April 01, 2008


WE had some fun times in Prague, visiting the castle and old town relics. walking along the river and ducking into Czech pubs.

WE met some really nice Swiss guys at the hostel and hung around talking with them until very early in the morning.

One of our favorite times was our sunrise spent on St. Charles Bride...a pedestrian bridge that is filled during the day with sketch artists and people selling little metal works. Well at sunrise, there was almost no one there, so we relaxed and watched the sun rise over the awesomely old building tops.

Our train ride to Budapest was six hours of productivity and fascinating scenery. WE were able to update diaries, write post cards, and enjoy the relaxing ride.

Now in Budapest, we checked into our hostel just near Green Bridge. Once we unpacked, the receptionist asked us if we would mind switching to another room. we followed her up into the rickity elevator where the double doors are manually opened, through a courtyard and into a high cealing apartment with its own kitchen and bathroom. we got a major upgrade. we are now rooming with some auzzies.

WE went to a Hungarian Ballet tonight in an beautiful old Opera house. Tomorrow we are signed up to explore some caves underneath the Budapest Castle on the Buda side of town. then i guess to the famous hot spring baths.

Our tickets to Krakow leave on Friday at 6 am


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. How's the food
treating you in all these days?
And the weather? Any hints of spring?
love you, keep it coming.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. How's the food
treating you in all these days?
And the weather? Any hints of spring?
love you, keep it coming.

Mab Segrest said...

you both make such great choices about what to do!

David Jolly said...

Oliver (and Annie)-
Wow, what an amazing adventure you're having! Seems that you've planned things well and you're taking full advantage of these great cities. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the details.


Unknown said...

cool stuff,
love imagining your adventures. maybe some of the best education of all. love you tons,