Friday, February 24, 2006

Assignment 3

How is the word "catalog" defined? (use any dictionary)

A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations.

Name any catalogs that you are familiar with

UNCW course catalog.

What kinds of information do catalogs offer?

They offer a breif description on the things that are cataloged in them. ( title, author, subject, related topics)

How are the catalogs organized?

alphabeticaly, numericaly, subject, publish date

What similarities are there in the way that this information is offered?

they are all offered in a way that makes it easy to find information and is organized by similarities.

What do the catalogs have in common?

they all organize information by some system that is common to all the infomation.

What do they do for you?

Catalogs help me find the information im looking for in an easy, organized manor. it also allows me to look for other information that is common to the subject im am looking for.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Informational Infastructure

With the growing amounts and sources of information both new and historic, the Informational infrastructure has been under drastic changes and modifications to accommodate these newly developed and still developing methods for archiving retrieving and transferring information. The article about the Information Infrastructure elaborated on some of the aspects that make the transfer of numerous media possible to create the infrastructure. Some of the stated uses of the Infrastructure by the United States are the print industry, the telephone, radio, television, the database industry, and libraries. These sources all provide access to huge amounts of information and knowledge. With the developments in technology information the infrastructure has become a stronger infrastructure with much more information accessible through various methods. Some problems that librarians and moderators of this infrastructure are running in to are things like copyright protection, open-access to information, and the protection of citizen's rights. 

Monday, February 06, 2006

information in my day

sunday morning i overslept and was awoken by the strong urge to releave my blatter.
as i walked to the bathroom,

i saw people wearing jackets- i got the information that it was cold outside.
radio inn bathroom told me the time.
went to Wagner- read the menu to find out what was being served.
i looked at my plate - i needed to get some more food
walked outside- no clouds in the sky-no rain today.
saw a sign in the lobby of my dorm- superbowl is at 6:25 pm and party in the common room.

i sat down to watch superbowl and some comerrcials.
a flag was thrown- pass interference
went into the common room and got some wings
medium, mild, and hot were written on the platters- told me to take the mild wings.
went back to my room and fell asleep.

upon my awakening, i flipped through thte channels and saw pitsburg fans celebrating so i new that they had won.

looked in my assignment book- saw i needed to do a Geography Pre-lab.
then went to bed.