Monday, June 18, 2007

New York Exchange

Friday, Adam and I woke up at 5, drove to Georgetown where we met up with the crew from MRB films. They were filming something I later found out was called the "nose PSA".

We picked up the Van they rented for us and loaded up the film. 6,000 ft. 35mm . Before we left, we got a few comments from some of team members regarding the severity of the goods we were carrying. words like "important", "a lot of time and money went into this" and "loose them, you die" were mentioned to us as they went home after the all night shoot.

the mission:

Drop of the film at Post works in Manhattan.
Drive to Brooklyn and pick up 6 bird costumes.
Drop off the van in Alexandria.

Adam and I used the time in the van to write a script for our next short film called PERRYVILLE CRIME, that is going to be shot later this week in North Carolina.

We got into the city around 11:30
dropped off the films and called the costume place. They weren't going too be ready until 4 so we thought we'd park and walk around. well, finding parking for a cargo van in Manhattan is ridiculous. we drove into at least 4 underground parking garages and had back out because the ceiling was almost scrapping the roof.

We found one and parked for 2 hours... 30 dollars...not our money though. MRB paid for the van, gas, tolls, parking, and lunch...and $100 each for driving.

We found a wheel chair in the trash and took turns pushing eachother around in it - each time acting out a different ailment.

We ate at Famous Ray's pizza. our pizza looked like it had all the past days left over on it. but pretty good.

we then went into Central Park and did some Jumpstyle... if you don't know what that is, look it up... it will change your life.

anyway, this is getting long.
we drove through insane city rush hour traffic and got lost. picked up the costumes then got lost in brooklyn some more. we got home around 12:30.

Im glad we didn't get stopped by any police...just because they are police and because if they had looked in the back of the Van, they would have thought we were transporting 7 dead bodies in bags.

good trip.

if you havent watched all of the Morris & Deutsch videos online, do it up.

1 comment:

Hearts in said...


Just read your post about the magician. That twirling really put that man in a powerful state. That's impressive. A few weeks ago I wathced a video of Rumi's life and it talked about how after the death of his closet friend and mentor that he began to hold on to a post in his house and turn round and round. That he did this for days on end and when he would stop that amazing poetry would flow from him - if I remember correctly that was the beginning of the wirling dervishes in the sufi religion.