I had a very fun birthday, although not as significant as it would have been in the U.S. (21 is legal Drunk Driving age in the US). Never the less it was nice to turn a new age. but i miss being 20. I really liked it. Im not sure if it was the best year of my life...but just being the age 20 is a really good age to be. onward.
annie came up for the weekend and David, my housemate and I have the same birthday so we planned an Old english Costume Party in our kitchen. preparing for it was fun. Annie and I went to all the charity shops (thrift stores) and got some good stuff to make into costumes. of knights.
man shoveling we transformed
Charity Wedding
Annie Painting her Sheild.
almost all my housemates made food and covered the table in delicious dishes from China, Nigerea, Germany, France, and England. We had music playing and lots of cider, red wine and lager. i would guestimate that about 25 people came and it got very packed in the small kitchen.
The night was fun, lots of food, drinks, dancing, speech, sword fights, security guards, and sleep.
Unfortunatly I didnt bring my camera down from my room. so i didnt get any really great ones. but i think annie did, so ill get some from her to put up. here are two i dont remember taking with my phone.
Blaine punching Annie? thats what it looks like
Housemate David...birthday boy
one i found...more to come

thanks for the cards, packages, and calls everyone.
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cool post oliver
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