What ive been up to recently.
The first week of school, Annie and I found a 5-week-old all black kitten around a dumpster on campus. knowing that it would have trouble surviving on campus with the strict animal policy and and the harsh elements approaching we took him home (with his consent)

His name is Deco. he has totally changed my opinion on cats. This may be a big surprise for those of you that knew how much i despised cats. (partially because of my allergy) He is a very wild cat who operates at highspeeds in spurts of 45 minutes, then crashes for a nap. he is still very small and i hope he stays that way. Annie and I are taking turns keeping him at each of our apartments, which is good to give my nose a rest from all the sneezing. Hopefully ill get over the allergy soon.
I got some Eucalyptus branches for my room that smell very very good.
Hurricane Hannha came and went. while out and about in the midst of the storm, i sustained a cuncussion. The first week after the fall is pretty hazzy, and i am occasionally plagued with headaches, but healing is in process. Annie was very kind to take me to the ER when the pain became excruciating.
Trying to do school work with a concussion was pathetic. I am gonna try to stay a little safe.
Right now, annie and I are brewing some Hard Cider for the fall season. It is a surprisingly easy process and im excited to taste and see the results.
These are some Airlocks I made.

Boom box
This has been a dream of mine for a while and after a lot of Ebay bidding and other work, it is finally finished.
I got a boombox on ebay and with the help of Duncan and David was able to hook up my i-pod to play through it. We hollowed out the tape deck compartment so that the I-pod could fit inside.
Its a fun thing to ride around with on my bike.

I have been creating a lot of art, sort of as a procrastination for school work.
but currently, I have 3 graffiti themed pieces of art hanging up on campus. Annie also has three of her travel photographs hanging around campus.

This past Saturday, my self portrait film A Dance Two 20, played during an experimental film showcase at an art gallery downtown. Annie's Bird Watching film also played and won "Best Local Film". It was a fun night.
I quit my food job at the Hawks Nest because i became a certified Japanese Tutor. I will be tutoring on campus in the Learning Center. Im excited to utilize my skill, help other students, and make money... makes a lot more sense than serving smoothies and burritos to ungrateful students. I kept my Hawks Nest shirt however, and tried to keep the fact that i was quitting to a hush so i can go in there and eat some employee food.
I have my first session next tuesday.
So nice to see whats going on with you guys,and bask in your creativity. Even the creativity of a head ache.
Congratulations on the exhibit and the films. Truly blessed.
this is a great post. i like very much. the computer chair video turned out very nicely. i just showed deco his pictures and he thinks he looks nice, so do i.
you are cool.
Really enjoy your creativity. Hope your head is okay now.
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