Tuesday, April 18, 2006

News Article # 4

Are you watching what your kids post?
By Tim Donovan -->
Published: April 18, 2006, 10:00 AM PDT

Article: http://news.com.com/Are+you+watching+what+your+kids+post/2010-7348_3-6062106.html

This article is by Tim Donovan who is the president of a company who developes computer programs for children. In the Article Donovan states that many naive kids create trouble for themselves in the future by posting irrational things on the internet and making them available for the public.

he mentions myspace and other blog sites where kids may write about people they dont like, teachers they hate, or violent plans they plan to fulfill or just fantasize about. Never the less, the kid grows up, applys for a job, the employer googles the persons name and finds a blog from 1994 containing mass amounts of anti-semetic or racial bashing comments. Although this may not be how the person feels now, the employer will think twice about the person because of those things they wrote in 8th grade of middle school.

I think this is very true. I know i have probobly written things on websites or in e-mails that is not very good and could be used against me in the future. I do agree with the author when he says that we need to create a place where kids can say things like that and not be held accountable ten years down the road.

But on the other hand, i think that kids should learn that their actions have re-actions whether they be good or bad. perhaps they could implement some policy like the criminal policy. empoyers would not be able to use things written or posted from when the kid was under the and of 18 and still a minor.

I know i am going to be careful about what i write from now on... and maybe even go back and delete some e-mails.

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