Sunday, April 23, 2006

News Article # 6

Vice-premier stresses application of information technology 2006-04-21 21:14:27
Editor: Liu Dan


This article is about the Chineese Premier's desicion to not only focus on economical and social development but also put high emphasis on the development of information technology. Being the leader of a group in Information technologies, the premier Zeng, strongly supported experts who were making great stides in research on strateges to apply IT technology.

I think that the Premier is making a good choice for his country. If China is to be the next world power, they need to get themselves technologically advanced and also build up their information infulstructure. America has developed very good IT technology which has helped the sompanies to thrive in the world economy.

Because much of China is still poverty stricken and undeveloped in terms of technology. It may take a while for China to become the superpower but because of the mass amount of people and the estimated growth, they have the potential to become the world super power. the Information infilstructure is also an important key factor which is benificial for the prenier to address in order to fullfill China's potential. . .

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